Rev. Scott Schilbe, son of Paul and Nancy Schilbe, was born on May 3, 1975, in Orlando, Florida.  At age three, he moved to Ocala, Florida, where he attended St. John Lutheran Church and School, graduating from St. John Lutheran High School in 1993.  It was at St. John where Rev. Schilbe, at age 13, began playing the organ for church services.  In 1997, he graduated from Stetson University, DeLand, Florida, earning a Bachelor of Business Administration.  Two years later, he enrolled at Concordia Seminary, St. Louis, Missouri, to begin preparing to serve as pastor.  His vicarage year was spent at The Lutheran Church of St. John, Quincy, Illinois.  Graduating with a Master of Divinity in 2003, Rev. Schilbe remained at Concordia Seminary for an additional year to begin work on a Master of Sacred Theology, which he earned in 2010. While a seminary student, he served The Lutheran Church—Missouri Synod as a student assistant to the former Commission on Worship.  In that capacity he assisted staff and committee members preparing Lutheran Service Book.

On August 15, 2004, Rev. Schilbe was ordained into the Office of the Holy Ministry and installed as pastor of Christ Lutheran Church, Rochester, Minnesota.  He served at Christ Lutheran until 2018, when he accepted a call to serve Messiah Lutheran Church in Carlyle, Illinois.  He served Messiah until being installed as Assistant Pastor—Minister of Music at Our Redeemer.

Married to the former Jennifer Frank of St. Louis, Missouri, the Schilbes are blessed with two sons:  Timothy (age fifteen) and Benjamin (age fourteen).  Jennifer is a physician and scientist recruiter for Mayo Clinic.  Timothy is a freshman at Metro East Lutheran High School in Edwardsville and Benjamin is finishing his eighth-grade year at Good Shepherd Lutheran School in Collinsville, after which he will attend Metro East Lutheran High School.

While living in Rochester, Rev. Schilbe was an active member of the Southeast Minnesota Chapter of the American Guild of Organists, having served in various leadership positions over the years. He presently serves on the Planning Committee for The Lutheran Church—Missouri Synod’s 2024 Institute on Liturgy, Preaching, and Church Music.
